RDA: Your Recommended Daily Allowance of Cataloging

NCSULA is pleased to announce that NCSU librarians Erin Stalberg and Christee Pascale (both of Metadata and Cataloging) will present their talk, "RDA: Your 'Recommended Daily Allowance' of Cataloging," on Friday, April 15, at 11 a.m. in the Assembly Room of D. H. Hill Jr. Library.

Resource Description and Access (RDA) is a set of cataloging guidelines and instructions proposed to replace the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR2). Adoption and implementation of a new cataloging standard represents a seismic shift in the world of cataloging – one that has not been felt since the move from AACR1 to AACR2 in 1978. NCSU Libraries' Metadata & Cataloging Department recently participated in the US RDA Test, conducted by the US National Libraries with the goal of assuring the operational, technical, and economic feasibility of RDA.

NCSULA's mission is to provide members with professional enrichment opportunities. Please join us to learn about RDA, our participation in the US RDA Test, and what the implementation of a new set of cataloging rules could mean locally, nationally and internationally. This event is free and open to all NCSU Libraries staff.